In Spring 2021, we worked together as a group of artists and art managers from George Mason University to create the virtual art exhibition SANCTUARY. We hope to provide a peaceful art experience for people amidst the pandemic. Working with Curator Emma Balázs, we made an open call to the GMU community to gather diverse responses from the Mason community to our theme of SANCTUARY.
Danielle Dravenstadt
Co-Author of Curatorial Texts
"The exhibition theme inspired me to consider my own relationship with nature and where I find sanctuary."
Rebecca Jackson
Artist Liason
"I connect with SANCTUARY through my work with eco-printing, an experimental process using natural plant materials to create prints. I use this as a way to meditate on my thoughts and the environment, allowing me to ground myself and reconnect to the earth."
Sihan Liu
Co-Author of Curatorial Texts
"Connecting with nature helps me get rid of anxiety and the sanctuary of the natural world brings me hope and inner peace in this difficult time."
Curatorial Team Lead & Deadline Manager
"It took a lot of communication and hard work but was quite the experience."
Rachel Quinn
Nadya Steare
Public Programs Manager
"Connecting to the natural world helps me to slow down and consider what’s important in my life."
Submissions Coordinator and Publicist
"To me, SANCTUARY represents the intersection of art and nature. The meeting place of two inexhaustible resources of inspiration, rejuvenation, and comfort when the world becomes overwhelming or dull."
Dustin Burns
Director of Communications
“Art can be a Sanctuary for some people and this exhibit is meant to explore and understand other people's Sanctuaries.”
Katie Fleet
James Ward
"Navigating the difficult nature of a world in crisis can challenge the best of us. Exploring moods, feelings, and thoughts through artistic expression and finding SANCTUARY in your creations can be key to pushing forward and remembering who you are."
Bijan Keshmiri
Logo Creator
"SANCTUARY was very interesting and a good theme to the exhibit, and teamwork was key when creating the website."
Florencia Mangieri
Website Designer
"My connection to sanctuary is growing alongside nature. Learning to think of my body as a temple and treating it with respect, taking my time to watch it grow and change."
Olivia Offutt
Art Collector & Website Manager
"To produce artwork in the name of nature and the environment in a pandemic world can be uplifting, and even healing, and I am honored to be part of a virtual art exhibition that centers around our own extraordinary artists from the Mason community."
Jax Ohashi
Digital Media & Design Team Leader
"Art has always been my sanctuary and I hope this project helps someone else to realize that, too."
Anthony Wong
Website Designer
"I find sanctuary in nature and art and I hope with this show we can help those find sanctuary through these tough times."